
Corporate Bulk Buy Video Eng

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2022 Rewind Video Eng

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FAQ Finance

Websites 01. How do I settle an outstanding invoice with In1 Solutions? Invoices can be made payable to the bank account listed at the bottom of the invoice.Should you need to pay by credit card, please contact 02. How do I query a charge...

FAQ Webs

Websites 01. How do I request an update to my website, e.g., that a new pop-up be added or that an expired widget be taken offline? Existing customers will have had frequent interactions with our COO, Philip (, and our Client Relations and...


Bookings 01. What is default availability? When a property is first set up in the IMC, we allocate default availability to each room type. This is the number of rooms that will be available each day, unless you decide to change it. To view your Default availability,...